About Me

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I live in beautiful San Diego with my husband of 20 years and our two gorgeous, young daughters. I'm a pharmacist by profession but a writer by hobby. Honestly, I think I spend more time writing than dealing drugs (I mean dispensing medication).

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Other Projects

Besides "Sage: Dance of the Marked" my completed but unpublished YA book, I have other projects that I have started and then set aside.  I started a story that I affectionately named "The End of Men".  This idea came to me one day after looking around and noticing that there are more and more females being born.  Of course one might think that it is just my perception since I am a mother of two girls.  My 8 year old daughter's classes have been almost 2/3rds female since kindergarten.  My 3 year old daughter's daycare classes are over 50% female.  Heck, even my brother only has a daughter.  My dad ended up with three granddaughters and no grandsons. :)  I decided to google this local phenomena that I was witnessing and found that the sex ratio might really be shifting to more girls being born.  I'll be interested to see what the new census reports when it comes out.  Anyway, back to "The End of Men", I've never written down my thoughts for where the story is going, I just started writing it from page one.  Oh I definitely have thoughts about where the story is going but haven't bothered to outline the rest of the story.  This is very unlike how I wrote "Sage".  I wrote rough outlines or summaries of almost all the chapters for that book.
I have another project that I'm ready to start on NOW but I'm still editing on "Sage".  I might put "Sage" away for awhile just so I can get started on my new story.  My new story doesn't have a proper title yet so I refer to it as "Fairy High".  It definitely will be YA.  I've taken notes, researched and outlined where the story is going.  I just need to start writing.  It helps having the rough outline to guide me.
I have another project that I had started on and that one I can't tell you about.  LOL!  It's not YA and likely will never see the light of day. ;)
Those are the only projects in which I've actually created files and started to put something on the computer.  I do have other stories in me that are trying to crawl their way to the surface.  "The Tree Folk of Juniper Creek" and "The Rise of the Witches and the Warlords" are just two of them that might actually make their way out of me.

1 comment:

  1. These sound like some great stories Brandi. I would love to hear what the fairy one is about. :)
