It's been six weeks since I submitted to my very first literary agent. I think it's safe to assume it was a rejection. I'm okay with that. I'm super excited to submit another query letter to another literary agent. I've been doing my research and I have found another agent that seems like she would be a good fit for me. This submission will be via email and is only of the first two chapters. I haven't rewritten those first few chapters of the book. I still have a great idea on how to change the beginning of the book but I want to hold off on doing that for now. I think the first couple chapters do show Sage's maturing character and in the end make her a stronger protagonist. Those first few chapters also let the reader get to know her before she's thrown back into a world that is paranormal and faster paced.
Over the last six weeks, I've managed to edit more and bring my word count down to 124,775 words from the original word count that was just shy of 128,000. I'm fully confident that I can edit out another 1000 to 2000 without changing the beginning of the book.
I'm not fully convinced though that I have to bring my word count down to 100,000 to get published. I'm currently reading a YA novel that is easily 128K words. For now, I'm not going to focus on a certain word count but just making the book better.
Wish me luck with my second query letter!
I'm the queen of procrastinating. Here's it's been two more weeks and I still haven't sent in that query letter yet for Sage. At least I have been motivated to write some on another work. It's a project that is more for my own benefit of writing than anything else.